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Since the new update...whenever I go into my settlement, I immediately become drunk without drinking. And it's the bad drunk...can barely see. I have to make my way to my bed and sleep. Sometimes it removes the effect immediately...sometimes I have to sleep multiple times. Anyone else having this issue?

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hello everyone,

This issue with Eivor spawning in drunk should now be resolved due to the Yule Festival having ended, which the bug was discovered to be tied to.

If you are still loading in drunk, or experiencing drunk effects in-game when not having drunk any ale or participated in a drinking game, please provide a video demonstrating this along with the platform you play on so that I can open an investigation separate to the one for the Yule Festival. It would be helpful to know if you have completed a quest where drinking is required recently as well, such as "Heavy is the Head" involving Ivarr mentioned by @WrightWayUp.

I'll mark this issue as resolved for the moment, as we do believe it to be fixed, but will absolutely reopen the investigation if it is needed! Thanks! 🙂

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hello everyone,

This issue with Eivor spawning in drunk should now be resolved due to the Yule Festival having ended, which the bug was discovered to be tied to.

If you are still loading in drunk, or experiencing drunk effects in-game when not having drunk any ale or participated in a drinking game, please provide a video demonstrating this along with the platform you play on so that I can open an investigation separate to the one for the Yule Festival. It would be helpful to know if you have completed a quest where drinking is required recently as well, such as "Heavy is the Head" involving Ivarr mentioned by @WrightWayUp.

I'll mark this issue as resolved for the moment, as we do believe it to be fixed, but will absolutely reopen the investigation if it is needed! Thanks! 🙂

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hello everyone,

This issue with Eivor spawning in drunk should now be resolved due to the Yule Festival having ended, which the bug was discovered to be tied to.

If you are still loading in drunk, or experiencing drunk effects in-game when not having drunk any ale or participated in a drinking game, please provide a video demonstrating this along with the platform you play on so that I can open an investigation separate to the one for the Yule Festival. It would be helpful to know if you have completed a quest where drinking is required recently as well, such as "Heavy is the Head" involving Ivarr mentioned by @WrightWayUp.

I'll mark this issue as resolved for the moment, as we do believe it to be fixed, but will absolutely reopen the investigation if it is needed! Thanks! 🙂

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there,

As we have had no reports of this issue with spawning in drunk persisting in game, we will now be locking this thread.

If you encounter any further trouble with spawning in drunk, please don't hesitate to create a new thread so we can investigate further.

Thanks! 😊