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In the new update today the claypits on the small island got removed. I havent done the math but im pretty sure achieving gold without them is impossible. Im playing without mods and tested this on two different computers.

Here is the island from a savegame of the old version with the 3 clay pits:

And here is the same island after the update today without the claypits(14.1):

I was really excited for todays patch as the update was fixing two bugs with this scenario, one step foreward and two steps back as they say. It is very dissappointing to have to wait for several updates to be able to play the scenario without very easy to detect bugs that reduce the experience.

I havent seen any information about this but does Ubi Mainz offer a community QA program to help to find some of these issues before they get released? I would love to help to make the game better.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Pregolli and @mrsmommadragon thanks for posting about this clay pit issue. We have another similar report in the forums and have passed this information onto our Anno team to look into, thank you for the additional images.

I believe we do have we have previously had beta tests available for some DLC content before it is released for bug testing purposes, but I will reach out to our Anno team to see if I can gather any more information on this.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey guys!

Just a quick update - we are planning on getting this matter addressed with one of the upcoming updates, therefore keep an eye for any news.

Please do mind however, any save files that already have the issue present are unlikely to be addressed, therefore you will need to restart the scenario once patch is live.

Apologies about any inconvenience and should you have any further queries, let us know!