Original Post — Direct link

If you log off and back on while either the grand stadium or world's fair are acquiring materials, the material can change and a bug results where the warehouse will continually deliver a previously required item that is no longer present but will not fulfill the "new" item need. There's a known bug reported about the world's fair producing excessive attractiveness. This results from that bug. The same thing happens to the Grand Stadium.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Howdy @Crobtastic 🙂 Welcome to our forums! I understand you've found the Grand Stadium to exhibit similar issues to the World's Fair. I can see our teams have noted these similarities internally already, fortunately, so I'm confident they're figuring this into their investigation already. That said, I really appreciate your report - that really helps us out!

My sincerest apologies for this inconvenience while we continue to look into the issue! I hope you've otherwise been enjoying Anno 1800 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link


This should be resolved in a future update but we'll share confirmation when we receive patch notes saying it is. Thanks for your reports and images 🙂