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je ne parviens pas à sauvegarder ma partie. Message "echec de la sauvegarde"

about 3 years ago - UbiMint - Direct link

Hi there, @geiirko!

Apologies, however, we are only able to assist in the English language on these forums. You can post your inquiry in French in these discussion forums. Otherwise, please feel free to translate your question here and we'd be glad to help!

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Geiirko, thanks for your response!

We certainly can, however it doesn't always provide accurate translation, therefore in order to ensure that there is no miscommunication, just as @UbiMint suggested, we can provide you assistance in either of the languages, depending on your personal preference 🙂 .

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @GAMEPOD., thanks for reaching out and welcome to forums!

I've had a closer look and can see that you've submitted a thread with us and managed to figure this out already, therefore we will take a closer look at it and get back to you as soon as possible! 🙂