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I have a problem that when I walk into the beast of the hills room to kill the legendary animal he is not there. And the icon is indicating it’s above me. I have tried restarting and fast travelling.

Anyone else with this problem?

over 4 years ago - UbiKoreanBBQ - Direct link

@darthtanien Thanks for letting me know about the bear getting stuck! I'm glad to hear you were able to get this worked out though with community assistance. I've sent the video forward to the team in case any one else experiences this. 🙂

over 4 years ago - UbiKoreanBBQ - Direct link

@darthtanien Thanks for letting me know about the bear getting stuck! I'm glad to hear you were able to get this worked out though with community assistance. I've sent the video forward to the team in case any one else experiences this. 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

As we have had no further reports of this issue persisting in-game following the release of TU 1.2.2, we will now be locking this thread.

If you encounter any further trouble with the "Beast of the Hills," please don't hesitate to open up a new thread so we can take a closer look. When opening a new thread, please include as much information about the issue you're encountering as possible. Any images or videos that demonstrate the issue in-game are also helpful for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

As we have had no further reports of this issue persisting in-game following the release of TU 1.2.2, we will now be locking this thread.

If you encounter any further trouble with the "Beast of the Hills," please don't hesitate to open up a new thread so we can take a closer look. When opening a new thread, please include as much information about the issue you're encountering as possible. Any images or videos that demonstrate the issue in-game are also helpful for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊