Original Post — Direct link

See how Reduced needs are displayed grouped under the market icon:

All other shopping arcades display them individually with the appropriate icon:

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hello @blendmode, it seems like you're bringing several issues to our attention recently, and I very much appreciate it.

I can see that you've already run through the basic troubleshooting and that you are not currently using any mods from your other threads.

By any chance, are you running into this issue on the same save file as the discarded cargo issue? If so, once you get your save uploaded on a Support Ticket, we'll get that info added to a report on both issues.

If this is on a separate save, you can use the same Support ticket to upload a save displaying this issue as well.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @blendmode,

Thank you for getting back to us and sharing this icon display issue with us! I have forwarded it to the dev team for investigation. Should they need any more information regarding this, I will get back to you 😊