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I'll try to keep this succinct.
Minor glitches:
-Some tractors, and horses that usually pull carts through farms and streets respectively, were missing.

Major glitches:
-After failing the scenario twice, I started it up a third time and noticed that the bronze and silver achievements were checked off. I didn't think this should have been, as I had never put more than two artifacts on display in any of the prior instances.
-After fulfilling all of the conditions for every single reward rank, and the extra scenario achievements, I had noticed that the outro screen where my achievements were tallied was the one from the "Clash of Couriers." Then proceeding to the Grand Gallery, I find I don't think I have all of the tickets I should have earned from the scenario, based on the displayed ticket values of the achievements tallied.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @Annodominic , welcome to our forum! Thanks very much for reporting these issues with the Pride and Peddlers scenario. I understand you found some elements to not be showing correctly, some of the achievements were granted without having met the requirements, and the text for the scenario was incorrect.

Many thanks to @Humility925 for sharing your insights about the missing graphical elements - I really appreciate that.

Indeed, the missing graphical elements issue is one our team is aware of and looking into internally. I can also report that we are aware of issues with the text of the scenario - it is indeed the text from Clash of Couriers instead.

For the achievements being granted before their requirements had been met, I've gone ahead and reported this to our teams as well, so that we can look into this. Do you happen to still have a save file showing that the achievements' requirements had not been met? If so, it'd be really useful to have a copy. You'll be able to find the save files in the folder noted below, and they can be uploaded to any file sharing site of your choice, before posting a link to the file here in the forum thread.

Save files location: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts\

It'd also be useful to know how far through the scenario you'd got in the two attempts which were unsuccessful. How many artifacts did you have on display?

Please let me know if I can clarify this request at all! My apologies for the inconvenience with these issues while we investigate.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Cheers, @Synchronos357 - I'll reply over on that thread 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @teofilp

The first issue is something that has already been reported. For the other issues, please can you create a separate thread (for each individual issue) with more info and images or videos showing the issue so we can check if they are known or get them reported.