How can lower down the sound of the Kodak?
That sound is to darn loud
All the best
That sound is to darn loud

All the best
Originally Posted by raoulranker48Hello!
How can lower down the sound of the Kodak?
That sound is to darn loud
All the best
Originally Posted by raoulranker48Hey there.
sory about my English writing as I am french Canadian...
I will rephrase my question sir....
when a AI ask for a picture of something and I cklic on "take picture" the sound of kodack "KASHLAK!!"
is to darn loud.
My speakers always on when playing and as soon as I take a picture every one in the house YELL at me
"put the sound down".
So please tell me in witch folder that specific kodac sound is so I can deactivate it.
All the very best