You know we love sharing some development insights about Anno 1800 and how your feedback impacts our work. In Union Talk #4 we focus on the postlaunch journey - and are happy to receive feedback on this topic or the format in general! ►
@Seraxia 😱
Winter is coming - not only outside but also in Anno 1800! About time we give you an overview over what to expect from the Anno team over the coming weeks in regards to streams, Union Talks, blogs and another Discord Roundtable! ►
@ChristopherKlix Usually you should be able to make peace by offering a nice amount of money via the diplomacy screen. Taking over islands is not something your competitors take lightly, though, yes.
If you want to be on the safe side, you can play without any AI players in a new savegame.
@PShansho The coop mode is coming together with the statistics overview and the 3rd DLC (The Passage) with Game Update 6.0 in early December. Precise release date will be communicated soon ;) We're currently not planning an option to speed up the game in multiplayer, though.
Do you like diving for sunken mysteries? Cause we do! Join Trenchcoat and Thorlof on their Anno 1701 The Sunken Treasure adventures today. Starting in 5 minutes (4PM UTC) on
In this week's Community Update we not only tell you about plans for tomorrow's stream but also once more share fantastic community impressions with you! ►
@GRNRiggs Happy to hear you're enjoying your time with Anno 1800!
That said, the Anno team heavily advises regular sleep and food intakes to sustain the human in front of the monitor.
Hey Annoholics, we pushed a small fix earlier for the Steam version of Anno 1800: - Fixed an issue that prevented Windows 7 users from launching Anno 1800 from Steam
Time for another stream! Seraxia and Thorlof are going to try something different today - they want to be "creative". Let's see how this works out... Starting at 4PM BST (UTC+1) on
In the newest Community Update we're not only sharing some great impressions from the community but we also have news regarding the next stream and the upcoming playtest! ►
@jasperwillem Wouldn't have the patience for this myself, but still super impressive :P
@Karahcoles Glad to hear it arrived! (and didn't take too long) Thank you again for participating in the contest 😊
@jasperwillem Oh dear, almost forgot the real medal ;)
@jasperwillem We've seen your thread on reddit - this is super impressive (and probably was quite costly). There's no achievement for it in the game, yeah, but we can award you a medal here on Twitter: 🎖️ Great stuff!
@DeWil_86 Yes, this is indeed a bug we're currently aware of. Our team is working on a fix which will most likely be release together with GU6 in December.
In today's DevBlog whe shine a light (hehe) on the day & night cycle we introduced in Game Update 4. Have a look at the work that went into this atmospheric feature ►
@gulox2 Some great news on a Friday! 😀
@GreavanceTV Let's call it the "Anno Magic" 😜
We nevertheless hope that @gulox2 is alright.
@calamitykatee The plan works! We mean...fantastic news!