Feedback wanted! Do you have any concerns, wishes or suggestions regarding the #Anno1800 multiplayer you'd like to share? We want to gather all of it! Please leave us your feedback either here or in the dedicated forum thread. ⯈⯈⯈
Are you ready for another round of our Community AMA #twitchstream ? Join our ComDev @BastianThun on July 3rd at 4.30pm CEST when we once more, provide #gamedev insights and answers to your most burning #Anno1800 questions. 🔥🚢
@VBorslov We don't have an exact date yet, but as soon as we have one, we will let you guys know. :)
@V0LTMIXER @UbisoftBlueByte @TheSettlersEN @BastianThun @Com_Raven <-- 100% Anno.
We are currently watching the participant videos of our #Anno1800Anarchy Contest and are amazed by your creativity! 🤯 This video from @tutadventures for example is still in the run to win top gaming gear from @CORSAIR. Take a look!
@mackjangles We're on it!
@Damo_kb8 I generously accept this answer! ;D
@Damo_kb8 @ANNO_DE @UbisoftBlueByte @UbisoftBerlin @BastianThun @Ubisoft @Ubisoft_UK "Ol thing" I beg you pardon? I'm young and beautiful! :D
@mackjangles Have you ever seen an island that big? 👀
Extra issue: today’s #AnnoUnion update brings details about upcoming game updates and a brief “Sunken Treasure” teaser for all large-scale beauty builder and megalomaniacs out there. But that's not all our first big #Anno1800 DLC will have to offer!
🇫🇷 Any French followers online at the moment? Then why not jump into this Stream? :) He's still online!
@tigrounouille @Kyreelle Annoproved choice! 👍
@tgmtweets Happy birthday to you, Game Mechanic! Enjoy playing all those awesome games! 💙
@GamerMaji For those kind of questions which require detailed answers, I'd recommend our dedicated forums: One tweet wouldn't be enough explaining this complex matter. :)
@imtheis We've all been there... we've all been there ...
@JesterPatches Of course! (Still searching for the perfect Gif. But can't find a grin THAT evil! ;D )
@Jona151296 Yes. :)
@Com_Raven: That feeling when you go to German Wikipedia and see that Anno 1404 is the article of the day. Happy 10th birthday, 1404- th…