about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by CrimpingMadness

You're invincible when using any ult, so I wouln't worry about it being unsafe with the interceptor.

As an inteceptor main right now I treat ult as either massive crowd control, single target burst or the big "oh shit I'm about to die" button.

Pro-tip the Interceptor can also res while using your Ult! Good for the super risky res.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by 3932695

How do you play Interceptor? She’s fast but Spark Dash and Detonating Strike aren’t doing much damage for me. I’m also lacking a way to knock flying enemies out of the air.

So the key for detonating strike is to hit low health or nearly dead targets with it. If a creature dies with the “charge” on it, it explodes doing massive damage all around. If the kick itself doesn’t do it, melee them to finish it off and BOOM. If you get lucky and hit more than one creature with the kick it will also apply charges (and explosions) to each one.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by metra101

How the hell is it "super risky". You're flat out invincible. That's the literal opposite of risk. What a ridiculous mechanic, this needs to be removed before release.

Well I mean it’d be in a situation where it’d be super risky otherwise. What about this offends you so much?

We’re back and forth on it but honestly from my personal point of you if we’re giving players more choice on how they want to use it (bank and save for res, use for single boss, use for add management) is that really a bad thing? I feel like knowing when and how to use an ultimate is a low entry but high ceiling skill component.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by nolas85

I thought this was removed in the most recent build. Is this something we can expect at launch?

You may be right but was commenting specifically on the demo build. I don’t believe it was removed but I will double-check.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by sharp461

As a suggestion, I think the Colossus should also get to res while still holding the shield, would make him pretty good to have around.

That’s an awesome idea. I’ll kick it over to the designers. Thanks Sharp!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by alanini96

I’m bad at all this, but res is short for resurrect like repair ur teammates right? Because if so, I wasn’t able to repair ever when in my ult as an interceptor. I hope this becomes available during full release, that would make an interceptor so much more valuable to a team!

Yes short for resurrect/repair, sorry old gamer habits die hard.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Fishsangwich

It would be cool if you could use a pistol while using the shield. Maybe a component that lets you do this?

Colossus can’t currently use pistols hrmmm... but that’s a cool idea.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by LiveJokerAce

Can you kick it over to the designers to better optimize the game for PC? The game is poorly optimized which makes it seem like PC was an afterthought when developing the game.

Hey Joker, when you say optimize for PC which aspect are you referring to specifically? Like performance on your actual hardware? Just want to make sure I’m capturing your sentiment correctly because I’ve also heard optimize PC flight controls or optimize the UI.

Hardware optimization and performance testing is part of our regular cycle, though primarily on the engineering/programming/VFX side of things. I imagine that we will talk about performance a lot this week to see where we’re at now versus where we were with this build.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by LiveJokerAce

Unfortunately the poorly optimized PC performance goes beyond the flight controls and UI. I am referring in regards to this post here https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/akge5c/the_pc_port_of_anthem_was_an_afterthought_with/?st=jrg0xjtj&sh=59728776 which has been upvoted to 1,671 as of 1/27/2019. Also in regards to this article https://www.pcgamer.com/anthem-performance-and-settings/ . This sucks because I'm not the only one experience this so it isn't just related to my hardware which doesn't struggle to play other open world games like Destiny 2, the Witcher, The Division at max settings with at the lowest 60 fps. I had high hopes for Anthem because I am getting quite bored with Destiny 2 but if the game isn't optimized as it should be there's no real point in purchasing the game.

Thanks for clarifying, so unfortunately I'm not going to be able to give a much better answer than Ben did here (https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/ak0g9g/no_spoilers_the_pc_version_is_an_afterthought/ef1bpsp/). We're definitely going to be discussing and reviewing potential options for a lot of the aspects that you described. We'll certainly do what we can and thanks again. Sorry I don't have much more for you at the moment.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by GreyWind11

In regards to colossus res wit shield up, ranger and storm (didnt play interceptor but i hear his ult is useful for risky revives) have methods of shielding during res. and their blue health on top of that. but my beautiful THICC boi has to face tank all the bullets with his green health. feels a bit off unless i take the damage reduction support ability (which i like better anyway).

Several times i naturally tried to hold my shield up during revive. it felt like i should.

Good point, thank you Grey.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SacredDarksoul

I tried res'n with interceptor during the boss fight while using ult and it failed every time. The animation and bar played but they didn't get resurrected.

Had to wait until after ult ended.

I had a few times where that occurred myself, but also had a few times where it worked. We’ll have to look into that.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by thoomfish

Like performance on your actual hardware? Just want to make sure I’m capturing your sentiment correctly because I’ve also heard optimize PC flight controls or optimize the UI.

All three, please. I'd personally rate the order of importance as: Most important, hardware. Second most, flight controls. Third most, UI.

The UI and flight controls feel weird, but they're something you could eventually get used to. The framerate is bad enough that I canceled my preorder until it gets fixed. I was getting 40fps, with frequent hitching and freezes, at 2560x1440 on an i5-4670K, GTX1080, 24GB RAM, SSD setup, even on low/medium settings.

Thanks for your thoughts and input Thoom.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by BIueWhale

Sorry for bothering but regarding the PC build, has there been discussion (internally) about FPS cap setting either ingame or in the config files? So using vsync doesn't have to be the only way to limit fps, for example the loading screens get to over 1000fps so it gets pretty warm and loud for no reason really.

Other big issue is that when you put the game out of focus (alt tab) it forces the game out of fullscreen everytime and you have to press alt enter multiple times to get back to fullscreen, so overall it's rather unstable.

The option "mute when the game is out of focus" doesn't work too, i think these are connected. Alt tabbing back and fourth should be a smooth process and the game should stay in fullscreen until you manually change it to borderless or windowed! Hope these are known issues

Edit: is it something to do with resolution possibly? Some sort of a bug with resolution acting out when the game is out of focus like not wanting to keep the native reso so it has to force it out of fullscreen first?? Just suggestions, it's also instantly capped at 15fps when out of focus, 30fps should be more than fine on that regard. u/BioCamden

Hey Blue, thanks for the feedback and ideas. Not sure which aspects of this may already be looked into by the systems teams but I’ll pass it on.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by thoomfish

Something that came up in another thread that might be diagnostically relevant is that I have a 144Hz monitor. Someone else said they also had one, and were getting similar stuttering until they set it to 60Hz. I'll test it out next weekend and see if that makes a difference.

Oh hrm, yeah I’ll have to try that too. Good thought.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by metra101

Consider the balance implications. 4 interceptors have little risk of wiping because they can alternate free rez. Not even single boss, we're talking the entire stronghold, especially given the potential of ult cooldown reduction. Your "hardest content" just became a breeze.

Outside of the super-coordinated abuse case, there's no thought to using your ult to rez a teammate on hard+. It's always the best use of it because 2 javelins are always greater than one, unless the enemies just happen to be near dead. The majority of the time that wont be the case.

Teams will definitely relegate their interceptors to that support role, flaming them when the ult is used to kill a couple elites or a handful of mobs that everyone has to now kill a second time anyways. I know if this remains as-is, I will be forced to main interceptor once lvl30 and our 2 ints will be forced to use our ults to rez and prevent wipe. It's by far better than anything I could bring to the table with a different javelin.

Think of it this way: High risk, high reward. No risk, no reward.

I appreciate the reply Metra and the well thought out reply.

I personally disagree that the res is “always” the right choice. There was at least one time where in the Hard Stronghold I didn’t Ult/Res but instead Ulted and solo’ed an add wave so that my other 2 teammates were in less danger and one of them could res. If balanced and used correctly the output of the Interceptor Ult should be meaningful and amusing it to res should probably be a dire sacrifice as a last ditch effort. Again this is just my personal opinion.

If this becomes a trend then we can look into it. But as a side note (and I know this all-to-well) but if you’re being relegated or forced to a specific role by somebody else (and not having fun), maybe tell them to buzz off. Play how you want to play and use your best judgment.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by jebediahkermanater

Thought I would give my 2 cents. First and foremost, I appreciate your replies to the many threads in the subreddit. It has provide myself (and I imagine many others) insight to why certain design choices are made, whether people agree with them or not. Keep it up!

With regards to rez while ulting, I agree with your sentiment of giving players more choices in the way they play. However I think the issue in this case is that one choice seems to have no risk and will be abused in higher difficulties.

Reading the situation you personally encountered ingame, I can't help but think you would've had no risk if you rezzed your teammate personally instead. (why get someone else to rez and possibly die when you could have told them to back off for 5 seconds and rez him yourself, completely invincible?)

One again, giving players choices is great!! But they all need to have a certain amount of risk associated to them, or else there really isn't a choice now, is there?

So I guess a question I have is : Where is the sacrifice in opting to rez while ulting? Where is the risk?

Here's a way that it could potentially be balanced to have two choices with a certain amount of risk involved:

Instead of being invincible during his ult, every time he dashes his shield instantly replenishes. (Maybe he takes reduced damage in general as well)

This way, if he opts to fight he can still do loads of damage and survive, giving his teammates a chance to rez. BUT if he opts to use his ult to rez, he can't dash and replenish his shield, therefore potentially dying in the process.

I'm sure that my "solution" isn't perfect, but i hope you can appreciate how in this scenario there is risk involved in both choices, making it a tougher, more interesting one to make as a player.

Hope this helps. Looking forward to launch.

Even without risk there can be choice. I certainly don’t believe that choice always have to come from risk/reward. Choice can come from efficiency or optimal gameplay. The choice I outlined was an efficiency choice. Yes I could have resurrected my teammate and the squad kill the wave, but that was far less efficient because of the output of my ultimate. Also even if I’m invincible there can be secondary squad risk. If I do something that indirectly puts them on more danger or risk (through action or inaction) that is a choice too. So if I decide to use my Ult to res somebody rather than clear out 30 mobs, and those mobs go on to kill my other two teammates, is that a good choice (1 for 2?).

By my understanding of the previous arguments yes, because resurrecting while invulnerable is always the optimal choice. But in my opinion that is certainly not the better choice. Clearing out the add wave, securing my teammates safety (for now) and then creating an opportunity before the boss comes back to still perform the res is the more optimal path in my mind (regardless of risk).