about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorsonWong

Pinging u/BioCamden and u/BenIrvo because I forgot earlier.

Hey Thorson thanks for tagging me and for the great info and report here. We were able to take a look at this yesterday and got it reproduced. We’ll be looking to fix it as soon as we can.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Hydrox2016

Hi, I know you're probably really busy but I was just wondering if you saw my post regarding serious frame rate drops on PS4?


Sorry to post this on another thread but I tagged you and a few of your colleagues and didn't receive a response. Would it be possible to shed any light on this? There were nearly 150 comments and a lot of people are worried about the performance of the full game.

Hey Hydrox thanks for the tag and sorry if I missed your previous post. So unfortunately I can’t really speak to console performance specifically but I can say that since the demo build was branched we put a lot of focus on performance and optimization as we finished the game.

This performance and optimization is hard to gauge exactly how impactful it will be for final release and launch, but we have testing that measures our progress to targets for all platforms.

I’m sure there will still be areas of opportunity after launch, there likely always will be, but this build is 6-8 weeks behind in bug fixing, optimization, and our final efforts.

I can’t promise anything but I can reassure you that this specifically was, and will continue to be, an area we focus on.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorsonWong


Looking forward to seeing this proactive stance on bug fixes/community feedback going forward into launch and after. Keep up the good work, my dude.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBlueTunicLink

I see you take this all seriously. There is one thing that i wish to ask you. Or 2 i should say. A universal fix.

Reloading while sprinting/dashing/flying (it's not a thing. At least in the demo it isn't.)

And Colossus. Reload while shield is out. (Pain in the but melee-ing to reload 2 long reload guns)

I can see these animations happening. Warframe does it with running. Hoping. Gliding. And wall hangs. That really all i wish. I don't expect it at launch to have this change. But it would be INCREDIBLY convenient for reloading in the game

Hey Blue! Yeah I constantly balance high movement with reloading and it can be challenging sometimes, but in some cases I like the challenge. That being said this is likely something we won’t do unless there’s a lot of feedback about it. It would require a TON of animation work for all suits.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Hydrox2016

I really appreciate you taking the time to write that, thank you!

I just want you to know that the game is absolutely fantastic. The diversity in playstyles between Javelins and fast paced, fluid combat is a joy. With the wide diversity of loot and potential build opportunities available, like many others I look forward greatly to the full experience.

I absolutely understand that the build is an older one and your focus on further optimisation for the final build and branching development paths between the demo and the final product is a very reassuring answer. I will create a follow up post including your response since, like myself, there were a number of people understandably concerned about this issue.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to respond. It really is appreciated and Bioware's communication with the community as a whole throughout this entire process has been exceptional. There are many studios that should take a leaf out of your book. Can't wait to see what you've got planned for tomorrow and the full release. See you on the 22nd of February!

Thank you for caring and being invested! I imagine that any further updates for optimization will be included in our patch notes after launch. Also please continue to post feedback about it (or anything else really.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBlueTunicLink

Ok. Maybe just the colossus one.... But wow. Thanks for the reply

We are talking about the abilities (or actions) that the Colossus can and can’t do while shielded because we are seeing a lot of feedback about it right now. One of the plans right now is to let you resurrect a downed teammate with shield out, which is awesome. Reload might be a good one too. I’ll take that one to the team.