about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HeartySalmon

u/biocamden If you get kicked out during the Stronghold (CE error, etc) near the final room, the door is closed off when you rejoin. It happened to me and I couldn't rejoin the team and somehow took damage and died. I did get credit for finishing and all the XP, but had to stare at the death screen until the other three finished. I'm on PS4. Thanks.

Thanks for the report Hearty I appreciate that. I’ll pass this along.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Berkzerker314

I'm sure you guys are busy but I found a workaround for me at least.

My regular gamertag had lots of issues getting in, infinite loading screens regularly and rubberbanding. It has EA access and the LoD preorder on it. My wife's account, rarely used for gaming, has none of that. Same console,etc. On her gamertag on xbox after restarting the game I have had zero issues for almost an hour.

Good luck and the game looks and plays awesome so far!

Awesome info thank you Berkzerker. Hope you’re having fun.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Thomas1097

u/biocamden Hate to say this, and frankly seems kinda weird saying it but, the graphics in this game are TOO good. Too many particle effects flying around during hectic combat to focus on enemies. Enemies are too “dark/blended in” with the environment to focus on. An auto lock on option when ADSing would be nice. Ranger ultimate feels very weak compared to others. The UI needs a lot more love in simplifying. Controls are great. The team combo system is the best inclusion to the game and honestly one of the most innovative game mechanics I’ve seen in a long time. I love how you made the bosses bullet sponges but also said “well you knowww...if you guys shoot in sync....;)”. This game has ALOT of potential...ALOT! Don’t overthink it. Go with the flow and make minor adjustments.

I’ll tell you what though. The most important thing you need to have in this game to make it a killer is endgame content. Give us things to chase (weapons/gear). Give us weekly/daily activities with powerful drops. Give us CONTENT!

P.S. - Keep up the awesome work! You guys are doing an absolute stunning job so far with this.

Thanks so much Thomas really appreciate this list of great feedback. For all of the balance stuff, we're continuing to tune that and will probably forever. We've gotten a lot of feedback about UI too so you're not alone there.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Imayormaynotneedhelp

Seriously, this game is one of the most fun I have ever played... When it works. I cannot load into ANYTHING without the load screen hanging at 95%. That bug is singlehandedly ruining the experience for me, and hundreds, if not thousands of other players. But I must say, once you have the server/loading issues sorted out, you will have a gem of a game on your hands.

Comments like this make it worth it. Thank you very much.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by platysaur


I really want to enjoy Anthem but it’s hard to get past the frame rate and performance issues I am experiencing on the Xbox One. Granted it is the base model but that doesn’t mean I should have a sub 30 FPS experience. I turned off motion blur and chromatic aberration too. It seems I am not alone and that other Xbox owners of various models experience this.

I guess my comment here is to make you aware of the issue and secondly, I want to ask if there are any plans to address or fix this issue for launch or once it launches?

Hey Platysaur, thanks for the report. We are definitely aware of the problem and will be looking into this ASAP.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by KingNothing53

u/biocamden hey man! Games great but idk if anyone's said this but I just ran into a glitch where enemies were invisible/ghosts. I'm not sure if the person I was with was dealing with the same issue (he was a rando) but it seemed like it bc we both were just kinda shooting and throwing attacks out randomly. We did manage to kill one (health and ammo dropped) so I'm not sure what was going on. Also super minor but some subtitles from a mission I left were stuck on the screen until I left tarsis. Overall though I'm having a ton of fun with the game. Thank you!

Thanks for the report KingNothing. I’ve seen something similar to this. I worked around it by dying a few times and then eventually they all loaded in properly.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Pendrych

u/Darokaz, u/BioCamden - I apologize if tagging you in a post is inappropriate, but in yesterday's thread, any kind of feedback on actual gameplay was more or less instantly buried.

  • Fort Tarsis: A minimap would be extremely helpful, both to help with flipping back and forth to the full map and the fact that the full map is a bit cluttered and (to me) was still easy to get turned around on.

  • Fort Tarsis: Many people have commented on the walk speed feeling slow. While I think it could be sped up a tad, and I do like that it feels much less powerful and swift than piloting our Javelin exosuits, the main problem to me is that the footstep sound effect is completely out of synch with the movement. It sounds like we're shuffling quickly instead of striding, or that we're supposed to be running/jogging while our movement speed seems indicative of a walk.

  • Exosuit Movement: I've piloted the Ranger and the Colossus. I love the feel of both, and that the Colossus feels massive. Flight controls are a bit wonky, I've gotten to the point where I can do straight line flights without crashing too much. I haven't done the Stronghold yet, but what I've read about the similarity of swimming to flying and difficulty making tight maneuvers makes me hesitant to jump in.

  • Combat: I love the sound effects. They are very chunky and go well with the suit style. I'm not a big fan of space magic, but I love mecha, and the sound and feel of the weapons is captured well.

  • Combat: The flinch/recoil mechanics (which seem to stack) are unduly punishing. It seems very easy to push yourself into a state where all you can do is look at the sky or ground in an epileptic fit without your mouse having moved. I'd like to have this toned down overall, the cap on how shaky it can get reduced, and/or some sort of "balance" progress bar to show recoil and how/whether it is resetting as a warning mechanism. I had two friends try the demo via my codes yesterday and they were having larger problems than I was.

  • Combat: The aforementioned friends also found the zooms on the weapons a bit anemic when aiming down sights. I'm a terrible shot in FPS-style games so I don't think I notice as much.

  • Combat: Differentiation on the human-style mobs could use some work. Most of the outlaws look like they're in body bags with faceplates, a la David Lynch version of Dune's Sardukar. It saves time when we're done with them, but isn't interesting to look at and makes that enemy type kind of blend together.

  • Gear: This is a huge one. I keep getting gear with perks inscriptions aimed towards other Javelin chassis. I don't mind this with the universal pieces, but if I get a piece of gear for the Storm, Colossus, or Interceptor, it shouldn't have a "Ranger Assault +X%" inscription on it. That's just asinine padding of the RNG against the player.

  • Gear: On a related note, I also found several inscriptions providing a "+0% to XYZ" bonus. Yay? Either show a decimal or scrap them entirely. No one wants to feel like they were lucky enough to get an inscription, then examine the gear and find out it doesn't do jack.

  • Freeplay: I love exploration modes. Freeplay in the demo felt like going back to the Hinterlands in DA:I with a flamethrower - very satisfying. However, while I have no issues with sharing the instance of the subzone, the forced grouping has several "features" I'm not fond of; namely that the group has an automatically appointed leader and they are capable of a) queuing the rest of the group into another activity without notice or b) ending the freeplay session without notice, both of which have happened to me.

  • UI on combat maps: Minimap. Please. After Destiny I'm ecstatic to have compass directions built in, but a minimap would be even better. I'd even take it in the form of a "scout uplink" component, especially if it shares information with the group.

  • UI: I'll be brief, since there are other threads outlining the major issues with inane levels of nesting and inconsistent design choices between pressing for effect and pressing and holding for effect. But an IN-GAME CHAT is sorely needed. I realize there is (well meaning but dumb) legislation affecting this part of the design, but it's critical for building an in-game community, giving an alternative to random groups (some people are old-fashioned), and quite frankly generating hype and discussion as people learn the lore and more about the game. Also, Owen's great company and all, but I'd like to be able to talk to other Freelancers in the game. "Stronger together," right?

Thanks for your time, and I hope my feedback is useful and REALLY hope it's actually practical/feasible. You guys are putting in a hard weekend, I don't envy you.

Edit: Some grammar and spelling. Yeah, I'm one of those people.

Edit 2: Added BioCamden to the tag since it looks like he's handling the comments in this thread.

No worries Pendrych I understand. I went ahead and grabbed all of this and threw it in an email to myself to parse through with the team. Thank you for taking the time to write this up.

Some points I can speak to:

  • For inscriptions for other Javelins on items, this is actually a string/icon bug. So if it says "Ranger Grenade" it is actually giving bonuses to Storm/Interceptor/Colossus Q or LB/L1. It just is confusing in this build.
  • We have since added more UI elements you may have seen in the latest Dev stream (team UI and team compass to indicate where they are). Not sure about a mini-map but I'm sure it's being discussed.
  • The 0% bonus to inscriptions is also a bug and not intended, these also should be giving various number bonuses but showing as 0% in the forge.

You've got some excellent points. I hope you enoyed playing!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Imayormaynotneedhelp

Hey are you aware that the respawning system is bugged? It'll countdown at the bottom of the screen, but you're stuck there until someone revives you. Also, in areas where you can't respawn, can we please get some kind of spectator camera?

Good feedback on the death screen stuff. Not sure what we'll be able to do here but we've heard a lot of feedback about it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Tarous


Was doing Hard Mode of the Stronghold and had the last fragment for the encounter underground with the tunnels. I was disconnected while carrying the fragment, and when I loaded back into the game the fragment was gone. We were unable to complete the event and had to exit mission due to this bug.


Hey Tarous thanks for the report we’ve been a few reports of other issues like this.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by EnlightenedBuddhist

I am not sure where to put this so I will reply to you.

Crowd control removal doesn't seem to work as intended. Visual bugs when I am rooted as interceptor and then spam jump. Also, using the CC break ability on interceptor does remove the CC.

Love the game tho! So much fun in the demo even with the infinite load screens and having to do quests over! Thanks so much for creating this experience :)

Yeah I ran into that a ton myself and it was super frustrating. I believe this is something that had already been addressed but I’ll check into it.