about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by AVRL

I think these may be oversights sourced from console. On a controller your movement controls would never be compromised by the issues listed due to the logistics of where you put your fingers (thumb on analog would never be affected). On PC you literally forgo a finger for activation which directly removes movement capability.

This is a fairly game changing limitation for PC users when considering difficult content and how core movement is to the game u/BioCamden u/BiowareBen

PC controls are actually something we changed about 7 or 8 times internally when play testing. The problem area was always gear use, support abilities, hover, and melee. Our game just has a lot of abilities and movement.

The current default is what seemed to cause the least amount of friction. I myself ended up binding gear, melee, hover, and evade all on my mouse. For the most part you can rebind these to whatever you want which should help for now.

If this continues to be an issue that we get a lot of feedback we may revisit it, but the charge and hold functions are things we did like thematically and for the “feel”. But we know there’s a delicate balance between that and functionality.

And you are right for movement on console, but aiming suffers regularly because of the limitation of aiming or dashing/jumping/reloading/melee with right thumb stick. We’ll keep an eye on all of this for sure.