Yes the whole team has been great so far. Just highlighting the yeoman's work of u/BioCamden in the bug threads as that is a daunting task keeping up with that much feedback.
Thanks Hearty, really appreciate it. :D
Yes the whole team has been great so far. Just highlighting the yeoman's work of u/BioCamden in the bug threads as that is a daunting task keeping up with that much feedback.
Thanks Hearty, really appreciate it. :D
Dude (or dudette) has been ALL OVER the bug threads responding and taking in the feedback. I really hope this level of interaction BW has shown so far continues after the game releases. It is incredibly refreshing to see more than one person from the team so active and not being snarky or condescending when issues come up. BW, so far, seems to lack the over-arching tone deafness than some other unnamed houses seem to have sometimes.
Issues aside, I think there's a huge gem of a game here and I'm looking forward to the end of February. Thanks BW!
Thanks a ton for the post HeartySalmon, though totally not necessary. We committed to be here through the thick of it, and frankly it's our job to hear the feedback, criticisms, and opportunities so we can make it better. Thanks to everybody who sent me positive messages over the weekend, really helps. <3
They’re the sexiest inty I’ve seen so far 😍
& if you haven’t already, anyone reading this should check out the dev stream where they fight two ursixes with u/BenIrvo & Emily from the quest design team, even though they ran into a bug, it’s been the only showcase of how a part of end game will work!
Haha thanks for noticing, I spent AWHILE on that paint scheme. I thought it looked pretty slick.
Ok can we get some acknowledgement from bioware about the awful performance and optimization of xbox x and ps pro, because ive heard nothing from them regarding the awful performance
We’ve been looking into it but I don’t have more than that for you at the moment Next. Thanks for reaching out.
BW’s damage control and communication should serve as a model for all AAA titles approaching launch. I wasn’t able to access the demo this weekend, but as a BW fan since “Baldur’s Gate II”, I’m excited to see what you have up your sleeves with this new IP and that it’ll be worth the wait. Be sure to take care of yourselves in the coming weeks.
Edit: spelling
Thanks for that WoahBroRainbow. Also I love your name haha.
As disapointing as some of these bugs are, seeing the team on Twitter, Reddit and official forums/channels respond is a great sign and fills me with confidence you all care for the game.
Wish I could try out a 2nd Javelin on the demo but I can at least tell the gameplay is great in the Ranger
Hey TheStarCpre! Everybody should now have all 4 javelins unlocked after relogging.
Great job. You busted your ass. One thing you guys are doing right is communicating. Kick ass job all around.
Thanks a ton dejo, appreciate it being noticed. I just want as many people to play as possible.
You, Ben, Mike, and all the others being so responsive inspires a lot of confidence that you guys care and will fix things - so we all appreciate it.
I do have a question are we maybe going to see an update for the demo integrating fixes for some of the issues we encountered this weekend? I know patching the client means you have to go through PlayStation Store and Xbox Store validation, which i don't imagine is cheap for the 24 hour validation.
Hey Kazan, I’m sure will be talking about this all week and right now I’m not sure what we can and can’t do with our timeframe before next week. Our Live Ops team has been tracking this stuff all weekend and will probably be prioritizing the list of to-do. I can’t set expectations that next week we’ll have resolved the issues, but we’ll try.
Thanks for being vocal with the community. I know people are complaining about bugs right now, and some arent doing it in a constructive way, but I am grateful that you guys are here in the trenches so to speak.
Thank you Muzzah, glad to be here with you my friend :).
Where is this?? I wanna see it!!!
Very cool, looks like something from Gundam.
Ty ty!
I haven't even played this game but as a gamer I have to say its amazing you posted this. THIS is the proper way to do community management. You guys, and you in particular earn major points for being so present and responsive on the forums. I legit may preorder just seeing the dev representation on here. Keep it up!
Thank you lefty, I figure every little bit counts. If you all took the time to post your thoughts. The least I could do is read it and respond when I can!
I know I'm real late to this but I wanted to throw some nice words your way because the communication and openness regarding this game has been outstanding. I have full faith in you and your team and this game and I am absolutely dying to get my hands on it again. You've got something great on your hands and I think you definitely have good reason to be proud.
Never too late my friend! Thank you for the kind words.
I love the look, Camden. Much love (as always).
Ayyyyy! <3