about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by bmak_try

u/BioCamden Here is my thoughts on each point

  1. Javelins
    1. Ranger
      1. Animations feel good, melee feels a bit odd to track, but overall it feels good
    2. Interceptor
      1. feels great movement wise
      2. I would like a better way to know how many dash charges I have, if it is there I have not noticed it yet
      3. The attack where you dart at something and like head butt it feels bad to use, as it seems to respond to where you are looking vs where the reticle is
    3. Traversal feels very good and use verticality to a great affect
    4. Gear
      1. I would really like to see what gear I get out in the field, holding all that excitement till the end does not feel as good. What you all did with Jaras wrath in the initial trailer, obviously toned down, would feel much better in the moment
      2. The guns dont feel quite different enough, especially LMGs and auto rifles
      3. I would like to see abilities to feel a bit more impactful when using them, but balance wise they seem good
    5. Creatures
      1. The wildlife seems perfect,
      2. I would like to see more variance and how I have to fight things, it all just feels hide, shoot weak spots repeat.
      3. enemies feel challenging, but mostly jsut because of how much damage they out and how much health they have
      4. AI could be a little smarter but it is not far off, I think more mechanics for them will help solve this
    6. PC
      1. The experience in general is a bit rough, menus could respond a bit better.
      2. flight in general is rough on PC, and swimming is ever worse. I would say to rely on true mouse controls and not affect them like you would a controller
    7. Difficulty
      1. This seems fine, more mechanical things to respond to again will help with this
    8. Favorite weapon is the auto rifle.
    9. Weapons in general need some of there sounds tweaked as they dont have that oomph when I shoot them.

Hope this feedback helps and good luck!

Hey bmak, thanks so much for taking the time to write all of this up. I've added your feedback to my list of stuff to review with the team. No promises obviously, but we're taking it all in right now so every bit matters.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by BearShaker


My experience from playing hard modes:

Javelins (animations, “feel”, traversal). - I got the jav bug and could only play ranger. Class felt good but at times weak without a Storm class freezing stuff for combos. Had to put all components into maximum HP and Armor to survive.

Gear (cooldowns, balance, damage, usefulness). - Cooldowns felt good because none of the gear seemed TOO op. It felt like good balance.

Creatures (AI, “feel”, challenge). - I played hardmode and they felt fine, just the shear number of them caused the issues. If you couldn't find cover that would protect you from all but 1 you'd die instantly. This wasn't really the case in free play areas, mob quantity seem much less.

Flight controls (specifically PC but console is helpful too). - Unfortunately the swim controls feel as bad or worse than when I played alpha. I had to turn the swim sensitivity and responsiveness way down just to make it through the stronghold swim area. Normal flight seemed fine, clunky at times but I've never been a good pilot in games so could just be lack of flight experience.

Difficulty (damage, did you feel like you had to use a good mix of offensive/defensive strategy, challenge). Most of the time it felt like flying around to find the 1 rock that would provide enough cover to fight 1 or 2 elites at a time. Not sure if it was my team or what, but when I'd engage a turret, it would seem like I was doing no damage HP bar only barely moving, then I'd look away and a teammate would seemly one shot it. Not sure if it was lag, or what, but it was cause for head scratching.

Weapons (favorite, least favorite, recoil, damage, etc). - The sniper rifles at times felt underwhelming. They were either a single shot cannon or a AR with a scope. But hitting critical spots never seemed to do much. Also could be a function of not seemingly hitting critical when at distance. When close to a creature I'll shoot at the head, get the highlight that it was critical area, things die quickly. Then while at distance shoot same area, get no highlight, and health barely goes down.

Awesome feedback BearShaker and thank you for taking the time to write it up. Sent it over to myself to add it to the things we'll review. Specifically the gear/weapon balance info is very helpful. Hope you've enjoyed playing so far.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Nfujinaka

u/BioCamden the game (when I was able to play) looked, felt and sounded fantastic! My wife and daughter all pre-ordered and we are all super hyped!

I have just one suggestion; private Freeplay.

It is so hard to get a squad coordinated irl and the squad slots in an expedition fill up immediately in a public space, so private Freeplay is basically necessary to allow your mates to join you in a session in progress.

Cheers and keep up the great work!

Ugh that is so awesome Nfujinaka I can’t wait for my kids to be old enough to play with me. What a cool experience.

I actually did run into a similar situation with my friends in freeplay where we had to back out, form a party, and re-enter freeplay. That’s not a bad idea but I have no idea how much work it would be. Thank you for the suggestion.