about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by vb0b0

Yes please, can we get a response on this? /u/biocamden /u/benirvo

Hey Vb0b0, here's a tweet from Gamble that should clarify where we're at with this one. Tagging u/gstonereppinboi for visibility.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by vb0b0

Thanks for that answer /u/BioCamden, really hoping for 60 FPS on the PS4 pro!

But regarding the current demo build, is that unlocked frames at the moment? Is this how the game will be upon release or will it be locked down to 30fps?

Seems as certain points when the frames aren’t dropping, there above 30 and would just like to know if that was intended or not.

I’m unfortunately not sure vb0b0. I believe it’s unlocked atm, not sure about launch.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Gstonereppinboi

Thank you so much for your response. Tell Mike we thank him also. We love you guys, continue your hard work!

If it is at all possible, leave the frame rate uncapped so we can manually change our ps4s to 1080p. Then down the road you guys can add an official option in game. Please don’t capcthe frame rate. Thanks again! /u/biocamden

Thanks Gstone! Not sure if you already saw this but Mike did have a tweet about this one:
