about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by phabiohost


Is there any news from you guys about improved performance? I would love to hear that this is all going to be a distant memory for the open beta and full release.

Hey Phabio thanks for the comment.

This one is tough to answer because it’s difficult (at least for me) to quantify what optimization we’ve done in the time since this Demo build was branched.

I mentioned this in another comment but hardware optimization and performance testing is part of our regular dev cycle, though primarily on the engineering/programming/VFX side of things. We had a lot of hardening tasks focused on all of these after Alpha. That isn’t to say we got it right, or that we are where we need to be, but I imagine that we will talk about performance a lot this week to see where we’re at now versus where we were with this build.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Halbrium

I'm running a 1080 TI in 3440x1440 and get 30-50 fps. This is with all of the top level settings off, and AA set to TAA, and Post Processing set to Low.

Whats worse is when I turn other settings down I don't see a big FPS gain. Combat seems to be the worst for FPS but there are some bad moments just flying around.

I get 80-100 FPS in Battlefront II on Ultra for comparison.

All I want is the ability to have a solid 60. More would be better, but combat doesn't feel great for me right now with a near top of the line card.

Hey Halbrium, I don’t have any great specifics right now on what may come out of all of the feedback we got regarding performance/optimization across the board, but I appreciate you taking the time give your details either way.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by phabiohost

Thanks for responding. Though I do still have one question. Will the build for this coming weekend be the same or will there be improvements from the VIP build. Because as it stands I was sitting at 100% CPU usage every time more than 1 enemy was near me.

I’ve largely been looped into other launch prep and post-launch planning stuff this week after our demo weekend and the feedback that came out of it. Specifically for gameplay related items.

Meaning I’m not in the loop on what (if any) changes we’ve made for next weekend. Sorry I could be more help here Phabio.