@vicious696 Love you man! Keep talking, people are listening.
@supadupacurl: DO NOT hashtag black lives matter, George floyd, Breonna Taylor, when you are posting your black squares today - you are…
@thEMANacho: Dear white people, For days you’ve asked me what you can do to help. I’ve finally found an answer.
Let your guard down and…
@martyhess @steinekin @Xbox You’re gonna love this guy, @steinekin. Take care of him for us.
@Kahjahkins: Here are some of my fave Black content creators. SHOW THEM LOVE. @storymodebae @BigCheeseKIT @Mr_iKeepitreal @GamingEthos @…
@JayKingIngram @eplerjc Yeah that does sound like me, fancy mac and cheese over regular powdered box kind any day!
@JayKingIngram @eplerjc Was this when I first got there and we picked up groceries in the rental car? I don't even remember what brand I picked 🤔
@NeebsOfficial @Thick44Official I’d never used a cast iron skillet to cook a steak until today! Used your video to make some awesome top sirloins.
@BlondeNerd Wonderful way to spread the word and point to @Kahjahkins @SpawnOnMe ❤️ People who don't understand what's going on should listen.
@vicious696 @BlessingJr @GameOverGreggy Awesome, Parris. I can't wait to listen!
@EAMaddenNFL: An official statement from EA SPORTS
@mb92600 You are more than welcome to unfollow me then. I won't lose a second of sleep over it.
You simply do not get it.
As a Canadian white male I'm trying to do more listening and learning than speaking. But it's important to speak up, and I want to add my voice against racism and in support of #BlackLivesMatter
I'll be working on what I can personally do to be an ally and drive change.
And I’m here for that. I wish there was more empathy, more compassion, and more justice. Try to be good to each other. Try to be there for each other. And if nothing else, listen and be the change we need to see
Politicians, police, and the military are servants of the public... and that means everyone. I’m truly horrified to witness what is happening in the States. Black Lives matter. The 100k+ who died from Covid-19 matter. Hopelessness and feeling powerless brings rage 1/2
I've been struggling to find the words to say. I'm angry. I'm devastated. I'm sad. I've watched a lot of videos these past few days, but this one stood out to me. Watch it.
The whole country needs to stop right now and listen to Killer Mike. He’s verbalizing what a lot of us don’t know how to express https://t.co/yiBEaicRGT
@vicious696 You're a great person, Parris.
I'm so sorry people are so hateful and I'm sorry for any way you've been treated unfairly based on the color of your skin. I too am sad about George Floyd's murder, in addition to Ahmaud Arbery and far far too many before them.
This has to stop.
@JudasDubois We don't go to St. Jude's shouting "ALL Cancer Patients Matter"
Showing support for something I strongly believe in here. Anyone who says something like "ALL lives matter" is an immature toddler who doesn't deserve to be part of this conversation with the adults.
#BlackLivesMatter. Period. It's not always about you.
The fact that this still needs to be said so many years later after #BlackLivesMatter originally formed is astounding. It's not Black Lives ONLY Matter, it's Black Lives ALSO Matter. Stop it with "All Live Matter". MF of course! That's obviously what we're fighting for! https://t.co/0Dko6qyIl2
@MoonLiteWolfPro: The fact that this still needs to be said so many years later after #BlackLivesMatter originally formed is astounding.…