@JayKingIngram @CadenHouse @ColeHorton Cole is always welcome.
@JayKingIngram @CadenHouse When this is all over, somehow we’re doing a team outing for Texas BBQ. it’ll be a significantly longer commute for Jay, but we can’t go getting Canadian BBQ... whatever that even looks like.
@BillyTheK1dd @CadenHouse I still have your Last Airbender bluerays, Chaz, but the good news is this quarantine has actually made me watch the show!
@iDabz710 It’s a lot of fun! Don’t think it’s a game I’ll 100%, but I’d definitely like to get through the main storyline.
Had to cut the stream short tonight, doggo really needed my attention since he had surgery today. But, I'll be making it up with a stream this weekend! Looking to stream on Saturday, May 16th at 3pm CT 😀
Streaming some more Middle-Earth Shadow of War tonight! Live now over at
@alex_frostwolf I already have two season 5 W’s!! I’m so disproportionately proud of myself.
@JayWatamaniuk I hope you learned your lesson!
Dante just had the snip snip surgery and now won’t move when he’s wearing the cone of shame 😢
Oh my goodness, I cannot WAIT to play #GhostOfTsushima. The game looks right up my alley. This has to be the closest thing we've had in a video game to a Kurosawa film.
Happy Birthday, Respawn! 🎉
What an amazing group of people. https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1260963126343688192
May 2020 marks the 10 year anniversary of Respawn Entertainment! From our first title, Titanfall, to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Apex Legends and beyond, thank you for coming on this adventure with us. Here's to many more. ❤ 🥂: https://t.co/Eyfh6gar3o https://t.co/LtkElgauEp
@BoMarit89 @Chantefuzz I do this too.....but just for flight controls 😅
This is a steal! I love this book!... you’re still here? Why are t you clicking the buy button?! https://twitter.com/TorDotComPub/status/1260657562535378944
ALL SYSTEMS RED by @marthawells1 is only $1.99 right now! Join #teammurderbot: https://t.co/EoXZSZtGpi https://t.co/pvFBSQLDXR
@TorDotComPub @marthawells1 Hurray!! Well deserved! 🎉
@TigistSapphire I hope you’re doing ok! This is a hard time made harder.
@michaelpelech10 @EAStarWars I work on EA Star Wars titles as well as BioWare. :)
You may have noticed a small patch download to #JediFallenOrder today.
Check out the notes here:
@justenholstein Yes, it was really interesting to me as a developer but it is custom built to show off the engine. But I did like the context and the character.
What did you think about the UE5 on PS5 demo this morning? #SummerGamesFest #UnrealEngineV
All done! Thanks for your patience.
Freelancers. Tomorrow at 8AM ET, Anthem will undergo a short period of scheduled server maintenance for up to a few hours. We appreciate your patience during this time. https://t.co/zJp85gpkLc