@drew_mcparlan @BenWalke Since you probably won't come back to admit you were wrong, I do hope you enjoy the game on PS+. I really think you will.
@Nyxi117 @MoonLiteWolfPro @GamerAdvantage Thanks for the recommendation! I'll definitely take a look 🙂
When you realize you've been staring at screens almost all day without taking a break.....
Current mood
@GameOverGreggy: Video games are cool.
@shinobi602 I always loved Cavill as Supes and I also seem to be one of the few who actually really dug Man of Steel.
Today was really, really fun. I got together with some friends at work (!virtually!) and we talked about something near and dear to me.
@kateconger: Twitter has begun fact-checking President Trump's tweets about mail-in ballots. Twitter spokesman says the tweets "contain…
@JudasDubois @tombraider Yeah, they definitely know how to ratchet up the survival aspects of these games. Some of those sliding segments are pretty painful looking.
I restarted the newest @tombraider games this week (they're all on sale on Steam). For some reason, I never finished any of the games back when they came out, but I had forgotten how much I love them!
Slowly making my way through the games backlog is a silver lining to all this.
@MLozada Oh, you're part of the problem. lmao
@MLozada dude, no way
I have been looking for a set of these for the last 2 months. no joke
But... I live in Texas.
@BioMarkDarrah that's photoshopped. the real version had undried glue prior to shipping.
In summary:
@Faucius Jagr’s was pretty stellar.
@Faucius I mean, name a better sports mullet.
Dear men, what is preventing you from looking like this?
@TorDotComPub: 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
@dv_damian57 I pretty much randomly picked one online and landed on this one