Special #MayThe4th free update for #JediFallenOrder today. Combat challenges, fresh cosmetics and more. Check out the full details here!
@EAStarWars: Master the Force like you’ve never done before. Combat challenges, fresh cosmetics, and more are coming to #JediFallenOrder…
Keeping the reading posts going! If you haven’t read Murderbot yet go get these wonderful books! One of my favorite characters of all time
Big combo post: It's Murderbot Eve: all the info you need (hopefully) for the release of Network Effect tomorrow (May 5) plus new book recs/book list for Monday: https://t.co/CbvU0wjfus https://t.co/7tmMBn0q7H
Did you know reading lowers anxiety levels? And you can have this MONSTER of a novel for free today.
@alex_frostwolf My condolences, Alex. So sorry to hear that.
Took Dante on a walk and now he’s completely worn out 🐶
@tha_rami and you know what else is cool? It inspired a lot of people (myself included) to want to learn more about Arab culture and history.
@JasonTBarlow well jason. you know how it goes. if at first you dont succeed (at mass infection rates), try - try again!
@BioMarkDarrah so...that's where they all went. we need a sample to see what a "linen" cover looks like. I have a book i need to make.
also. stop with the house of cards analogies already.
@GamingEthos Ahhh ok, I'm on Aether - Gilgamesh, was gonna say we should team up, but oh well 😭
@GamingEthos What server you on?
@deedlite I am so glad you’re here! Congratulations!!
Hanging out and playing some FFXIV over at
@josh_nash @andrearene Good eye, they are indeed!
@andrearene I don’t have a ton of space so I went with this mount: WALI Triple LCD Monitor Desk Mount
Excellent work!
Thought I'd put these two Bioware faves together! 3 and 4 of the #6fanartschallenge for Patreon! #6fanarts #dragonage #MassEffect https://t.co/02aOW8urWN
@markusfrieske @PlayApex 👀
@scottfeed Happy Birthday!
@AshrafAIsmail !!!
@Braddock512 Accurate. 😂