My GOXLR mini arrived super early, spending some time setting it up before streaming this evening. Looks like I need one more 3.5mm cord to fully get it working the way it should....but I found a temp workaround 😋
@jeffreyalanlove My sincere condolences. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you.
Day 41 of quarantine and this is what I’m googling.
“Why You Need Not Fear the Poor, Misunderstood Brown Recluse Spider”
First the giant paws, now a giant tongue? This dog has weird growth spurts...
@Official_Mole Mole, have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I think you’d like it.
@_jdodd: I got c*cky flying @Darokaz and @AeterRific in @CallofDuty #Warzone today
@Arekkz Whoa. I didn’t even know this much industry was possible. Haha
This was so fun. Presenting into the void is always a bit odd, but wearing no pants made it easier.
Just wrapped up a BioWare All-Hands meeting. Over 300 people on a video conference. Reviewed truly incredible work done by all of our teams - much of it done over the last month of work-from-home. So proud to work with these amazing people!
And the laziest officemate award goes to...
@TorbisXD Yeah, looking at em, but they’re pricey 🤔
Best quarantine idea I’ve had: @VancityReynolds should have his own late night show.
You’re welcome, TV network executive reading my Tweet.
Well, no stream tonight, can’t get the sound working after swapping from PS4 back to my pc. Might be time to get a real sound mixer instead of using a digital one....
@UltraViolenceYT yeah im pretty FPS skilled, which is why i started at UV. but i hear ya. this game is about movement. all. the. time.
Half Life Alyx and DOOM Eternal are both as good as everyone says. Wow. But slayer gates in DOOM are hard (ultra violence diff). Any tips other than try 1000 times?
@Skaut69_ @Fireproof_Games Up next on my list!
@EAStarWars: Attention players: the Battle of Scarif update in #StarWarsBattlefrontII and its accompanying Community Transmission will b…
@Mr_LIGNUM @bioware @EAHelp @UNTDrew @anthemgame Please be sure to follow @EAHelp for all service announcements. ?s=21
@maaikesww I’m in the same boat, my coworker is blocking me from getting to my desk.