@GambleMike @BioMarkDarrah I thought it was a baby pigeon.
@BioMarkDarrah the thing shaking my house right now
@Mr_iKeepitreal Got me to click tho.
@JuiceboxCA 💯
Looking forward to this new Legend! 🦾 https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1351315932480634884
Please give a hand to the newest Apex Legend! Err...well. 💣 https://t.co/JrdOra1kBY
@Harmin87 thanks!
@markusfrieske How about instead we make this the YEAR OF THE ULTRAWIDE!
Who’s coming with me to this 21:9 utopia!
@BokaLaBoca You kids and your 11 min attention spans.
@LazareGvimradze @masseffect @GambleMike This is beautiful. Amazing work, as always.
@Bio_Warner @mitchgit there are two types of people. those who know the genesis shadowrun was superior. and then there's horrible people.
@JasonTBarlow @mitchgit I LOVE IT! I even played the FPS long ago. ❤️❤️❤️
@damisa_sarki 😂
One of my all time favorite games. I had a dream I was playing this last night @mitchgit
@thaRadBrad Great time to do it with the latest update for next gen consoles!
Finally came back to this on #PS5 to finish the Platinum.
That’s 100% on Xbox and PlayStation now! #JediFallenOrder
💯 #JediFallenOrder (Now for those PlayStation 🏆) https://t.co/ze7izp15qC
@markusfrieske @EA Sad to see you go, man, as I have enjoyed working with you on so many big projects over the years. With that said, it will be the little stuff around the Tiburon office that will stand out to me. The laughs, the creative sessions, the friendship and more. Thanks for everything.
@jennlyonsauthor @kuangrf Your footnote Kung-fu is strong
WandaVision is so much better than I was expecting (and my expectations were pretty high). Can’t wait to see where this goes.
I’m just excited the we’re finally into phase 4 of the MCU!
@CCampbellArt Congratulations Colin! You're going to be great at this
@steinekin This is fantastic.