@JudasDubois I sincerely hope there won’t be a sequel, but I’m definitely discouraged.
Just embarrassed and saddened for our country right now.
Do you guys remember when we were all just Tweeting about people threatening to Naruto run to Area 51?
Simpler times.
My father was a Marine and fought in Korea. I served 8 years in the uniform. Serve the people who put you in office, the country that has sheltered you. Put this insurrection down.
I never believed I would see an attempted coup in the U.S. and yet here we are. Those inside the capital swore an oath to support and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. f*ck your party allegiances. Stand up and do your damn jobs.
@Bio_Warner ☹️
Whoa, when I woke up this morning, all full of cheer and hope I had no idea what was about to unfold. WTAF?
They’re really just out here reselling Nickelodeon Gak to us as a car cleaner now.
🌟Magic dust cleaning mud Available. Clean those tiny holes rags cannot penetrate...👍Absorbs dirt and dust even in the most inaccessible angles. 🏷️Flash Sale - 50% OFF Today ⤵️⤵️ https://t.co/1O1gkvRcPy https://t.co/f7JvgaG6FL
@Mulwin444 Cheers!
Good Morning! What’s new? Is that a new outfit? New haircut? You look great! #newday
I can't get @Lornebalfe main theme from His Dark Materials out of my head. I've woken up with it in my head the past several days.
@AndyLunique Very well, I shall take the doggo for a walk 🐶
@louisejulie_ It really really is.
@JayKingIngram I feel like George’s well documented admiration of classic muscle cars heavily influenced the design of this starfighter.
@steelchef93 It looks like a racecar; what’s not to like!
Favorite #StarWars: Lightsaber Hilt, Ship, Helmet and Blaster.
(Yes, I love the Naboo Fighter)
Favourite #StarWars lightsaber hilt, ship, helmet, and blaster. It was very difficult not to pick the T-65B X-wing here. https://t.co/gjZ7ZMOUW9 https://t.co/uy40smuo0B
@vicious696 Congrats!!!
Sunday Scaries, anyone? ✋
@b00sterAu So very sad. :(
@steinekin Reads like a line out of Goodfellas. The guy is a pathetic thug.