@EAStarWars: Pilots! New Holiday Cosmetics are now available, free for all players! #StarWarsSquadrons
@octafluoride played the hell out of that one. all the way to the end.
@BLH1999 that one will be next for me. hopefully i can squeeze it in before CP2077
@SaraJoan11 Xbox or PS5?
@SigmaLater Same. Once it comes out, ill be doing a full playthrough with all the DLC. gotta keep fresh, you know.
@JonUmber_ not gonna lie. i played it on PC and it sucked me in hardcore. ill put a lot more time into it once i finish AS:O (maybe 3 more months...)
@MrMcStuffins Apparently TES:O is amazing. @hilaryheskett raves about it constantly.
@mukks one of my favs.
What have you been playing lately? I've been playing Assassins Creed Odyssey for the past 3 months.
@myownfairytale @synthridersvr is. the. best.
@aubradley84 Definitely on the Christmas movie shortlist in my house.
@MLozada Dangit, Miguel, you just had to throw these in my timeline and now I want them. 😫
@GekGemu If you find anything interesting on be sure to let me know. :)
Failure and the desire to give up and lay it all down are such powerful feelings. But don’t give up, never surrender. You are not who “they” say you are. You are not what you do. You are not what you own. You are beautifully you. And you will shine.
Two decades ago I nearly took my own life and knew I was going to give up. One decade ago I got dropped by my publisher and was told to give up. Today I get to share a trailer of a film based on one of my books. (Don't give up.) https://t.co/ajZpN1O4uf
I remember buying each one of these from the wire rack at my local 7-11. Taking them home and reading them over and over until I knew each panel. What a treat! https://twitter.com/HackinTimSeeley/status/1340785518766940161
4 comics that came out [and you read*] when you were 14. (The joke here being I probably read EVERYTHING that came out in 1991) https://t.co/r8m9DT7PYP
Hey! Happy Birthday SWTOR! https://twitter.com/SWTOR/status/1340678447719469058
Today marks SWTOR’s 9th anniversary! We would love to hear from you, our community, on what you are most proud of and/or grateful for whether that be in-game or IRL. https://t.co/0CZDwJ2abo https://t.co/jBeJRdjPSF
Happy 9th Birthday SWTOR! https://twitter.com/SWTOR/status/1340678447719469058
@MotiveMontreal: Star Wars: Squadrons wins Game of the Year: Best PS VR Experience, by Sony PlayStation! Let's go shoot some starfighter…
@steinekin Okay I might need the Amazon link for this.