@aubradley84 :(
I’m gonna tell my grandkids how I used to buy music videos for $1.99 on iTunes.
@geoffkeighley @GambleMike @bioware Thanks Geoff! It was great to work with you again, and congrats on another awesome show!
@JayKingIngram @shinobi602 I was literally about to ask the same thing. Haha. Rad.
@GoodGameBro 👀
@tomphillipsEG @shinobi602 A most excellent question.
@AudemusN7 @shinobi602 Or maybe it's....
Derek would cry if saw this. Is that a camera flash? The humanity! Here. have the real thing (from Bioware 25 book). Shinobi's also wrong in his speculation though :)
Right, and concept art from the new game shows as much. This seems to be human designation. MR7 = Mass Relay 7? #MassEffect https://t.co/dT1DXkaI1u https://t.co/LU6sD9PIpE
@CadenHouse hard drives, frozen shrimp (?) and wedding cakes.....
can't stop watching
Is that a herd of Stegosaurus I spy? @BioWare @ChristianDailey #DragonAge4 https://t.co/xsSZNRSyhk
@CaseyDHudson @bioware Cheers, Casey. It was a pleasure working with you in some small way, but I especially appreciate all the influence you’ve had on these amazing games that are so important to me.
Happy Friday Anthem friends! I hope it’s OK if I check in now and again😉. Rest assured the Anthem prototype team continues. Appreciate your patience as we get through this transition and change at the studio. Have an amazing holiday and new year, all!
@denissetakes Thank you!
@CaseyDHudson @bioware Take care, Casey! It's been a pleasure working with you.
Thanks to everyone @bioware for making my last day at the studio truly magical. I’ve been so fortunate to have been part of BioWare and I’ll be a supporter and fan for life. Go get ‘em team!
@LazareGvimradze: Hey @bioware @GambleMike @masseffect I love you folks so much. Thanks for the surprise. Made a little something in ret…
Full 4.0 release notes here:
@tibermoon: Hey folks, we've done several rapid iterations to the Squadrons matchmaking experience today with a final one 30 minutes ago…
@TheCosplayGirl_ For what its worth. Last night when my wife and i were watching it live, i sobbed too!