@ChachiBobinks I don't know! my amazing DA friends @BioMarkDarrah @ChristianDailey and Matthew Goldman would know!
@EAStarWars @justinmasse IM ALL IN
@BridgeTheMan I have actually found myself just opting for lesser stats just to avoid looking like a Cyberdouche.
There is a clothing slot for essentially a transmog outfit, but all I have found that fits in that slot so far is some kind of hazmat suit. lol
@BridgeTheMan I really do hope they add some extra Transmog options.
More good Star Wars news this week!
Hello there! 😃 More free content is here! #StarWarsSquadrons Take the B-wing + TIE defender for a spin, or try Custom Matches. https://t.co/KdGxfgvikd https://t.co/fZvL292e1T
@wickedcactus 😎
@AndrewLiptak @DJShepherd This subscription is one of my favorites and it is so affordable. Seriously great stuff every month.
Another great read from @AndrewLiptak Cyberpunk's power came from global dystopian politics by @AndrewLiptak https://andrewliptak.substack.com/p/cyberpunk-2077-william-gibson-neuromancer?r=1guyq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&utm_source=twitter
@ThSpartanburger First ive seen someone get this one. Damn you're all quick.
@missalihillis 👋
@DaevinCmdr I like to think of it as the 1992 Olympic basketball team.
The man who knows https://twitter.com/GreatDismal/status/1337272189976866820
I seem to recall the typical cyberpunk character as being more ecto than endo, and generally a pedestrian, but hey.
@rafagrassetti 😘🥳
@littlesiha 2 is fine. but 3 is best.
Oh, and lets not forget Derek Watts. Original Art Director for Mass Effect. He's back too. Ready to rock.
Brenon is a veteran of 3 Mass Effect games. His ingenuity and work helps to bring amazing gameplay systems to the Mass Effect Universe. Brenon is one of many who want to bring you the game you deserve. As time goes on, you'll get to know more of us.
Check it out! Super excited to be a part the team working on the next chapter of Mass Effect.... 😀 #MassEffect https://t.co/psDXBq4eoh
Parrish was the cinematic director for the Mass Effect Trilogy. Many of the amazing moments you had were crafted from him and the team. Parrish decided to rejoin BioWare to bring this vision of a new Mass Effect to life.
The @thegameawards are an amazing time of year for our industry. The talent and accomplishments on display are always exciting and incredibly humbling. Thanks to @geoffkeighley for allowing us to debut the next, big chapter in the Mass Effect universe. https://t.co/jeufAk7Hos
Dusty was one of the key people responsible for bringing the original Normandy to life. Dusty decided to rejoin BioWare to work on the next Mass Effect game. There are more like him. We've heard what Mass Effect means to you.
Looky what I have the luck, honor and privilege to work on. Couldn't be more excited and couldn't feel more pressure to do this right. https://t.co/2VP35x7MJl
@reich_the @masseffect @bioware I think you should wait and see :)