@EmilGustafssons @BenIrvo @BioMarkDarrah @anthemgame Are you in a squad? Only the Squad Leader can end an Expedition. Leave the squad first and then try
One more weird one to try if you are getting stuck on start: * Go into the settings (Triangle on PS4, Y on Xbox) * Leave Settings * Try starting now.
Sigils can give you an edge for an expedition!
PS4? We are tracking a server crash. Thios doesn't sound like that. Try swapping your gear.
@FortTarsisHub @BioMarkDarrah @BenIrvo @GambleMike Yes
@kaotick_wolf Niiiice.
@OfficialJasber: @BioMarkDarrah Force updating inside the origin client also works if you have connection probs
We seem to have a server crash here with a specific piece of gear... Still chasing.
@Aiquinee PC? Common issues: Ensure system clock set to auto sync Make sure patch installed Repair from Origin
If you are getting into the game but crashing on mission start try this: 1. Start up 2. go INTO the forge. 3. Look at your gear 4. Exit forge 5. Try now.
@DragonsBane0173 @anthemgame @Bio_Warner @GambleMike @BenIrvo weird but try going into the forge BEFORE trying to go out.
@Acryptonite Yes. capped at 240 now (not in demo)
@Acryptonite @xLEAMGx @mcf0311 In demo, the loadscreens are uncapped so they will max GPU out. Capped at 240 in maingame
We had some issues respecting safe zone on demo. Fixing for maingame
Smooth moves.
@IIRoyMustangII sorry to bang on things you have already tried but: Clock set to automatic update? Patch installed? Origin online?
@SmallzTTV that's how it works. problem remains in bosses
@IIRoyMustangII pc? try repairing in origin. has fixed a few people
@sparrow933 mostly
Nope. It wasn't ready in time