@16yearoldrepub @BenIrvo @GambleMike Freeplay? If so the server instance is cycling. Service is still up.
@bricabran Try going into the forge, fiddling and leaving. COULD be a bad loadout. Also you could try swapping gear maybe there is a bad gear piece in there...
Would you make the same choice? #AnthemGame
๐ love it! https://twitter.com/The_Ur_Quan/status/1091439699607076865
@xXMesserskussXx @BioMarkDarrah @GambleMike @AnthemTheGame Moon Knight, is that you?! ๐
Show off your javelin. #AnthemGame #MyJavelin
@IIRoyMustangII Tagging @EAHelp in so they see this
@18415483c @MilroyDonovan @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson Freeplay? If so, its just the server instance cycling.
I was literally just looking at the bug for that...
yeah, it is
Yes. Not for Demo, unfortunately
Unfortunately not fixed in demo. Will be fixed for maingame
@StormDemonXIII 1. Do you have the patch? 2. Is your PC Clock set to auto sync? 3. Repair in Origin
@harshvardhanlp @bioware Try this: Go into forge Look at your gear Exit Forge
@theStrykerShaka Apparently some people had bad loadouts saved. Going into forge fixes them
@Darokaz: It looks like most players are able to get into the #AnthemGame demo now that Xbox Live is working again. I do see a few reporโฆ
@zentalis Did you try changing your language to no effect?
Under certain (currently unknown) circumstances, the game is getting set to a non existent language
@LogandrrMy Did you try above? Also: Repair in Origin Ensure clock set to auto sync