@DxGReviews @anthemgame Yep, it’s there in the final game.
@Mrdeveus @BioMarkDarrah @Bio_Warner @anthemgame Yes
@AmbassadorDawg Yes
@Mbrady815 What’s happening in freeplay? Servers or?
@KeepTrumpPres Yeahhhhh sorry about that one. We are aware
You may have seen that we patched the demo client yesterday. It was to address various infinite load issues - didn’t have time to include other fixes. If you encounter a bug on the demo this weekend, there’s a good chance it’s already fixed on the main game.
@murrayshines @anthemgame @BioMarkDarrah This is an odd one. Try going into the Forge first and make sure all your weapons and gear and equipped. I believe this is unique to the demo
Try holding a few extra seconds Then release and try again If that doesn't work... Not sure But if you quit and restart going into a mission and quitting SHOULD resolve all of your loot.
👀 #myJavelin
Yeah, we got that last week occasionally. Fixed in main game
@16yearoldrepub @BenIrvo @GambleMike The freeplay server is rebooting. But its only that one instance.
This is fixed in the final version of the game
@khaildsa @anthemgame @Bio_Warner @CaseyDHudson what are they seeing?
@FoxWyo yes
Yes fixed in main game
SomeTimes the dev team can’t help with a connection issue. But we want to help! Make sure you’re communicating with @EAHelp @UNTDrew
@firewings99 @xXMesserskussXx @BioMarkDarrah @GambleMike @AnthemTheGame das ist gut!
Was that skill or luck? Maybe both? https://twitter.com/Sylvester_Folks/status/1091447111118450688
@Irelique: Just got to reiterate - @anthemgame is incredible, props to @bioware @CaseyDHudson and all the team. #AnthemGame #MyJavelin h…