Prevents them completely
@big_ninjah Sounds like a bug
No. VOIP should work though. For launch it’s set to in by default but I don’t think that’s true for the demo
If you start together you are fine, if you are already in a session they can join you if there is space, otherwise you need to end expedition and start together
@NemPlays We have some things to address here. I don’t have all the details in my head right now
The squad widget is available on all platforms
@WoodenMaskGT: @chrisreyes06 @GambleMike @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson Freaking sick! Here’s mine, and my old one
@welter_117: @chrisreyes06 @GambleMike @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson Here's another,
@akaMrBlitz: @GambleMike @chrisreyes06 @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson This is mine!
@chrisreyes06: My wall paper for my locked screen on my phone. @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson @GambleMike
@chrisreyes06 @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson Mine too now. Thanks!
@literallich Yes
Two assault rifles of the same type at the same level with the same rarity have the same stats. The inscriptions it has are random
@XpertWanderer7 It’s all optional vanity that has no impact on gameplay
There is a squad widget at launch. You can see it in some of the more recent Anthem Videos they have been released. Much easier to track your squad mates
It’s the only way for a ranger to apply the electric status effect tho. You are going to want that against shielded targets and to setup combos for yourself :)
@crobertson_atx: We had our studio light-box images reprinted this week. They look amazing — and the team loves them. #BioWareAustin htt…
We had our studio light-box images reprinted this week. They look amazing — and the team loves them. #BioWareAustin
@JezCorden Thanks, I’ll speak to the team. Seems like it was generic stuff. Anthem has no pay to win.