@laudrawin: Reposting this from 2 years ago because @Quinny_Imp maylove Zev, @Sampson9091 may love Leliana and @BioMarkDarrah will love…
@avci_jonathan @anthemgame @crobertson_atx @EAHelp I actually don't know how to upgrade. I believe some people have figured it out...
“We’re working hard to ensure everyone can enjoy the game exactly as we’ve designed it.” —@crobertson_atx (Chad Robertson, Head of Live Service)
@Fendelyn01 Yes
@MattersYT @anthemgame Fixed in main game
@Rustedblayds @FreelancerCodex GAMBATTE!!!
@Mk2slcVR6 Sorry you ran into that :/
@Mk2slcVR6 Yes
@Bio_Warner: A summary from @crobertson_atx about our demo weekend
@Professorbroman 👍 and it’ll get better, and better up until launch
You can spend COIN on a limited amount of crafting materials each week. COIN is the earned currency not the paid currency
Yes for launch
We have auto pistols that function the same
Yes at launch. 30.
Well done team Storm!
@Chitonfya: My son begged me to make this video after he played Anthem today #AnthemGame
What are millennials destroying next?
1M strongholds were completed (go Freelancers!).
@NicciHowe: Y’all want some dapper Dorian and cute Sera? Of course you do!
📸Marcus Pointer
#DragonAge #cosplay #dragonagecosplay #Drag…