@GambleMike: Now that you’ve played, let’s do this again.
Perhaps the Grabbits will one day rise up.
@GambleMike: If you pre-ordered, but were otherwise unable to participate in the weekend demo (because of timing,or bugs), we are lookin…
I love this. Thank you for playing, I’m so glad you had fun!
How could I not do my part.
Squad Goals
2M grabbits slaughtered seriously guys...
@TheStuffGuyTL Fixed in main game
Nearly 2M grabbits slaughtered (seriously! – they look so innocent).
I can’t share the front or I’ll spoil it for the team. But, get it?
Not at launch
You may have missed some of our cast reveal announcements. Make sure to check out @CabLivingstone feed for upcoming details
We did branch in early December to stabilize and make the necessary changes. There are thousands of differences big and small in there. Despite this, there is still a lot to be learned
I may have money riding on the number of followers @crobertson_atx finishes next week with.
Another update from @crobertson_atx He’s kinda a big deal
We have a weapon with the same name, it’s now different in functionality
@ScottJackson56 Yes
Not at launch. We put a lot of that stuff into the gear/abilities
@grahamgariepy @GambleMike I think VOIP was default to off in settings, that won’t be the case for launch.