@AndyLunique I just wanna eat it, don’t care what it’s called 😋
@RocketArena: It’s time to wake up and smell the rocket fuel. Launch into an extraordinary world where rockets rule everything. Crater w…
I really just want every movie trailer to have a ‘Nickelback Cut’ now. https://twitter.com/Haydn_E99/status/1282096295608569861
A friendly reminder that THIS is a TV spot that was edited and shown https://t.co/AmzeedSEor
@alex_frostwolf Is it normal that I can easily identify that specific episode of The Office from that slightly ambiguous screenshot? hahaha
@Vekyo FWIW, it's insane to me that this was green-lit and exists, but also I still kinda like the movie. The score is pretty iconic and the visuals are great. It's no Saving Private Ryan or Dunkirk, but it had it's moments.
Better than the recently released "Midway" from last year.
@KnightRobby Producers: “Uhhh, I mean does it NEED to be that long, or-“
Bay: “Yes, absolutely. I have a story to tell.”
Producers: “Okay, but do we need this whole section of just the brothers in a love triangle?”
@CineCaptures I really hate this. I’m sorry man.
Omg I just remembered when they let Michael Bay make a 3 hour movie about Pearl Harbor.
@BokaLaBoca I’m tempted to rewatch it. Another lesser known Sorkin show is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, which is like a drama about a fake SNL. Worth watching.
Also, Sports Night is fantastic but it’s hard to get past the laugh track in 2020.
@BokaLaBoca Have you watched The Newsroom yet?
@sledgehammer70 Congratulations to you both!
@NorseArtemis what is this? can it make the dreaded exercise more fun?
@RocketArena: We’re celebrating the July 14 launch of Rocket Arena with the Crater Cup. Twitch Rivals is bringing together some of the t…
@RocketArena: From a forgetful pirate to a rambunctious hoverboarder, Crater has a hero for everyone. Get to know all the Rocket Arena c…
@iDabz710 Not quite yet. I want to, but helping a friend get caught up on PC :)
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@SpoookyJedi @FF_XIV_EN @SquareEnix I play a bit 😀
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@Ms5000Watts I might try and take this beast on when it's released later today......if I'm successful (hint: I won't be) I'll share my strategies 😅