I am so here for this mode!
Kurosawa Mode!!! 😱😱😱 Also looking forward to people meeting my character next week 😁 #GhostofTsushima https://t.co/xP02OrHuH9
@pentapod This is so meta.
@ChristianDailey @nighguy
@ChristianDailey: It is going well. Hopefully we can spotlight some of the focus areas soon - player autonomy, proper progression (loot/…
Live with MHW: Iceborne over at ! Got the new camera up and running as well as the Dante cam 🐶
Had a great call with Christian today about all of this. You should definitely give him a follow and mention topics you’d like to see! https://twitter.com/ChristianDailey/status/1280654439553077250
It is going well. Hopefully we can spotlight some of the focus areas soon - player autonomy, proper progression (loot/javelin), endgame...and Pirates.... What topics would you like to see? https://t.co/0EK3KzNat1 https://t.co/mbywBumPW0
Now that I’ve got my a5100 for my main camera I’ve gotta put this C920 to use for my streams 😁
@Lapanero Hey there! I'm glad you're excited about what's NEXT for Anthem. I'm currently working on something else, but @ChristianDailey is the guy you want to follow for all things Anthem.
@BiggerIvan @Braddock512
Been working on this one with @Braddock512! Just one more week until launch 🚀
From Gemstone Jungle to Boom City, Crater is filled with exotic locales. Take a tour through all the vibrant maps you’ll be blasting through when Rocket Arena launches on July 14! https://t.co/UzhsuQSgsv https://t.co/Mb8LTOGg3k
Got my camera all set up and running for Tuesday’s stream! I’m still messing around with the settings for autofocus, color correction, etc.
If anyone knows any good tips for the a5100 settings please share 🙂
@LorisMartial Yes. His name is @DaveedDiggs
@Ty_Stover Slowwwwww down, sir.
I’m late on all the #Hamilfilm conversations.
So, what’d I miss?
@Gangles @LBI_Studio @Naughty_Dog Living the dream!
@spaceshipsporn If you're into Beat Saber...
@MaximumCortez @CyberpunkGame Metal arm and i'm in.
@iNocturne do they? that's what i was hoping for. Thank you
@lifeoftempest Yeah, the cutscenes were....frequent.
Finally digging in to Kingdom Hearts 3. After playing 1 & 2 when they came out, I find myself hopelessly lost on the story. Still loving the fun Disney worlds though. I want to love it more but it's confused the hell out of me...