@disneyplus @justbiglee If I tell you it’s about Lewis Hamilton, will you watch it?
@AeterRific Stop doing this to my timeline, John 😩
@MUTGuru Devastating news. 💔
I don't know who needs to see this today, but - YOU matter. Your LIFE matters. What you DO matters. Even if it doesn't feel that way. Let's erase the stigmas and take care of each other.
Maybe a hotline isn't your thing, and that's okay too. Just talk to someone. Please. ❤️
@thejulianbass: if y’all can retweet this enough times that Disney calls, that’d be greatly appreciated
@Aztecross noooooooo! My wife keeps trying to get me to have a cheat meal while on keto, but I won't do it! Gotta stay on target.....
It’s been a long day, but I’m still gonna stream some Destiny 2 for a bit. Swing on by for a chat or just to say hi 🙂
Live now over at
@iguannie @Guerrilla Congrats!
@rawrsnacks The better question is, why are you just sharing it now??
Opens Twitter.....
On this Canada Day, it's a good time to remember that although we do have our problems, it's a pretty damn great place to live. I'll also mention that i'm looking for an awesome Technical Director to join us at BioWare...
describe your mood for the past 4 months in a single picture https://t.co/qCQ4B9ClgB
@hitstickmaster2 @Swami_EA Hey bud. I don’t work on Madden anymore (haven’t in almost 3 years) but those guys are my friends. Clint, Swami, Kraelo, all of them care about you guys in the community. All of them work extremely hard to deliver an awesome Madden experience every single year.
It’s Canada Day! I’m very grateful to be able to live and work here. I acknowledge that we are on traditional territories in Alberta of the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries #CanadaDay
@Arekkz @ToxiMoxi @rxlyaT 😂😂😂
I have played them all, first as a fan then as a dev and I’ve enjoyed every moment. I hope you’ve had some great adventures with us too. Here’s to many more! #BioWare25
25 years of adventure, conflict, and companionship. Share with us your favorite moments from the worlds you have helped us build. #BioWare25 https://t.co/QlciyJVUuS
Had fun streaming tonight! Fought Master Rank Kulve Taroth for the first time.....and was the final cart 😭
@GambleMike: I love this studio. I love the people working here, what we have built, and what we are building now. What's your favorite…
@MLozada @Darokaz 👀
Just rolled credits on the month of June. Easy Platinum.