over 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hey all,

Dive trails are supposed to only last a season. When you earn one at the end of a season you'll be able to use it throughout the new season. Once the next season starts after that, the trail will go away and will be replaced with whichever trail you earned for that season. 

That said, there was an issue that was causing them to stick around longer than they were supposed to. This issue was fixed in today's patch, so you might no longer see some of those dive trails that were supposed to have expired. 


If you're missing other season 10 rewards we are aware and working on getting that sorted out ASAP. 

about 3 years ago - EA_David - Direct link

Hi, this is working as intended, there's been a bug for a while ago that let keep folks keep old trails, but this has been addressed now. 

You can find info on this in the previous patch notes

Note: We fixed an issue where expired skydrive trails remained accessible for longer than they should have. These trails will now expire on the intended seasonal cadence, as mentioned originally in the Ranked Series 3 post (trails from Series 1 & 2 are still grandfathered in).

about 3 years ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Hey folks,


Older dive trails disappearing is not actually a bug in this case, sorry.


Back in Season 4, dive trails were updated with the intent they would just remain on the account for the season after they were earned. There was a bug that's prevented this from happening which was recently fixed.


At this point the only dive trails would be from last season, or Ranked Series 1 and 2 (Season 2 and 3) if you earned those. 


This update was mentioned in the patch notes at the beginning of the season, but has just made it into the game with the latest patch, apologies for the confusion.

about 3 years ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Hey @Azurebirdq, I've just moved your post into this thread since it's about the same topic.


Please see this post above  for more clarification on this situation, thanks! 

about 3 years ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

@GuGaLaQia @kwlioZ 

Hey there, I've merged your posts into this thread. I'm afraid this is an intended change and not a bug, please see the above post.
