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 when I link my Xbox account to my pc it only gives me my pro League skins and nothing more. Why does it do that

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hello @puceloki!

The team is investigating some missing cross progression issues at this time. Can you provide some more info about what you are missing vs what carried over? Which pro League sets carried over and did you receive all of them? And did you receive all the operators you should or not?

9 months ago - EA_Pythia - Direct link

Hello @Br4v0122,


unfortunately, if you didn't have both the Xbox progress and PS progress on one account, there is no way of getting the full Xbox account merged with your PSN account. If you want your Xbox progress and items back, after unlinking the account, please connect it to the original EA account that it was linked to.

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia
9 months ago - EA_Pythia - Direct link

Hello @Br4v0122,


if you lost access to the EA account, please contact EA Support and try to regain access to that account. They might also be able to help you relink the Xbox account to the original EA account it was linked to - if you then linked a PSN account to that EA account, you would be able to play on PSN with your Xbox account.


Without connecting the Xbox account with the original EA account, there is no way of getting your Xbox items on your Playstation. 

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia
9 months ago - EA_Pythia - Direct link



if you send them an email, support will send an email back in the upcoming days. 

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia
8 months ago - EA_Pythia - Direct link



what account did you buy the skins on and did you recently relink that account to your main EA account? 

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia