over 3 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link

Hey there!

Do you have any case number from your history at Help.EA.com you can provide us so we can pull up your account? Blueberry.png
over 3 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link
@mathu123456 Do you play on Xbox or PlayStation so I can pull up your account via your Gamertag/PSN ID if you provide that to me? Blueberry.png
over 3 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link


We are unfortunately having difficulty pulling your account from our end. We must ask you to please submit a case at your Help site so our staff can help track down updates for the status of your account. As we cannot disclose personal account details over the forums for security reasons, it's critical you reach out to our Live-Support for any follow ups to cases submitted to our Terms of Service team. 

over 3 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link
@mathu123456 Are you able to sign out of the account and submit a case? This way our Support team can pull up your account once you provide them your Origin ID. Blueberry.png
over 3 years ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Hey @KyLeGaming,


If it's been a while since you played and you're just returning to find the account ban, I would definitely start by going through these security steps to help make sure no one else that may have gained access to the account still has access. 


After that please reach out to our Terms of Service team and they'll be able to review that account ban for you. While the account history page only shows specific types of account actions and may not show all in-game bans, you can still appeal by going through these steps:

over 3 years ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Hey @KyLeGaming,


We're not able to assist with this at all on the forums I'm afraid, sorry.


The ban history page shows specific account actions, so not all in-game bans or suspensions will appear there currently. Even if it doesn't appear there, you can still appeal that action by following these steps and our Terms of Service team will investigate for you.

They'll reach back out via email as soon as they've finished reviewing the account and action.
