over 5 years ago - EA_LeonSK - Direct link
Hey @df13xyaxis
I see that you that you bought Apex coins for Origin.
if you look on the scrap card for the Apex coins does it say on what platform it was for and can you take a look on receipt does it show what platform you bought it for? LeonSk.png

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over 5 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link



Please contact our Live-Support team at Help.EA.com for assistance. If you purchased an Origin Cash Card those are intended for PC players. To purchase Apex coins for PlayStation you'll need to add funds to your PlayStation wallet. 

almost 2 years ago - EA_David - Direct link
@masterofsinss Unfortunately there isn't a way to transfer funds or coins from PC to a console.

A form of cross-progression is being worked on so these coins/funds may prove useful for you later, but for now we have no details on that. David.png