3 months ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

Hey @sorchbot,


Unfortunately we can't help with bans here on the forums. If you'd like to raise a dispute, you can reach out to our terms of service team. They can take a look at this for you.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
3 months ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Hey folks,


Locking the thread here as this is not something we're able to assist with via the forums, and things are getting a bit off track.


We wouldn't ban someone for saying GG, please submit an appeal through the link provided above if you've had a situation where that was the case so our Terms of Service team can take another look.


As @OldTreeCreeper mentioned, there are in-game options that will allow those thinking voice chat is free from penalties to be reported, so the best way to avoid this is simply to treat your fellow squadmates with respect and report + mute them if they fail to do the same. Thanks all.
