Original Post — Direct link
As a MMorpg Veteran player i've been searching for an intense Role Play ''THING'' Like Bein'g Able To shake Hands Or Make A Toast while you and your ''Guild Members'' Drinkin' a Beer , such as sitting Down 'n a Chair or Even Group Emotes or interactions,

i was lil ''wooow'' the First time i Played ~BDO~ Just For That Little Thing That You' Able To Sit Down Almost In Every Thing Or BEing Able To Lean To A Table Or Wall(after 1 Week i left Bdo bcs it wasn't For Me :'P '' Grinding Like a No Lifer Is Not For Everyone i Guess'')

And I'm Very Sorry If This Question Was Answered Before But As I'm Workin' Didn't Got Enough Time To Do Research.

about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there friend - looks like someone already shared a few very helpful links to the community-run wiki on your requested topics!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help answer!