Original Post — Direct link

I wanted to know if we get to see other players outside of our chosen realm. Lets say I chose to go to OCE realm, can i join the overflow/layer sharding from my friends over in NA realm?

My second question with these name reserves. Can only 1 person have this unique name? or there can be multiple people in different realms having that same name?
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there - hopefully I can help provide some clarity for you below:

1. We haven't announced anything along these lines as far as I'm aware, so this might be a great followup question to get more details on if you'd like to ask it during an upcoming AMA or live stream Q&A session!
2. You will be reserving a name on a specific server when the time comes, so it's possible that others may have the same name on different servers.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can assist with!