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Glorious Ashes community - we're excited to continue our new series called Guild Gatherings! Guild Gathering topics are a "reverse Q&A" similar to our Dev Discussions, where we ask you about your thoughts on everything related to guilds.
Our team has compiled a list of questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding guild tools, gameplay, your previous experiences, and more. Join in on our Guild Gatherings and share how your gaming family is special to you!
Guild Gathering #5 - Fondest Memory
Share your fondest guild memory from your history of gaming. Bonus points for sharing pictures and/or videos!
Keep an eye out for our next Guild Gathering topic regarding internal conflict!
Hi again friends! Thank you all for taking the time to stop by and share some of your fondest guild memories <3 we had a blast reading through them all! Check out some of the top notes you shared with us below:
[*] Many highlighted the moments when guild collaboration and coordination made all the difference
[*] Others shared stories of epic battles where their guild may have been outnumbered, but still managed to hold their own and have fun
[*] Several shared memories of their more social experiences, from emotes to role playing to guild-run events and beyond
All in all, we thought this quote summed up many of your sentiments quite well ;)
- ThePeacekeeper