about 1 month ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s while you guys kind of uh play around
2s there I just want to give people kind of
3s a little bit of a flyth through actually
6s as I move around the dungeon just to out
9s watch
10s out it's nice that our it's nice that
13s our magic DPS is just roaming
16s around yeah that uh that explosion at
19s the end can uh can get you oh yeah this
22s is a huge complex I mean how many
24s parties can this area support easily
28s about five or six uh parties when we did
31s uh a kind of a stress test ear earlier
34s this week there was a good junk load of
37s people raiding through here and trying
38s to get past that first
42s boss I mean that looks great based on
45s our results it looks like it can only
46s support one party right it's all for us
48s yeah pull this here well we are pretty
51s much a junk load yeah