Original Post — Direct link
I read in the other post, that if 2 groups fight over a boss, and one does 40% dmg and the other group does 60% dmg, the loot roll will go to the the group with 60% dmg.

Nou i am wondering something, what will stop people from basicly making ninja groups and steal bosses/loot from players. (beginners) that dont have the higher gear yet to even complete in dps?
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there - sounds like someone above got you some helpful answers, and in addition, being the first to "tag" will come into play on what percentage damage you need to win out: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Looting#Loot_tagging

As we have you hop in and help us test this during upcoming sessions, keep an eye out as we look for your feedback on what plays well and feels right in terms of loot tagging!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!