Original Post — Direct link
I was looking through previous month's pre-order packs and was amazed by how beautiful and cool some of them look. Is that true they are only available for one month and then never can be obtained? If so I am very surprised that even 375$ could cover the costs of creating/animating such stunning models (well what we see from art) that are basically THROWN AWAY after a month?? Or am I wrong here and they can be bought separately later?
about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya friend - seems like folks above already got you lots of helpful answers! As noted, the cosmetic items in the current Pre-Order Packs rotate on a monthly basis, and they are never available again once they're gone. Purchasing a Pre-Order Pack will enable you to see the relevant add-ons in future months, if you'd like to grab them on an individual basis!

In addition, the work that goes into creating these items is definitely not "thrown away" - the pets and mounts you see will have variants in-game as NPCs for you to fight/befriend, the costumes/accessories can be repurposed as NPC armor, the freeholds can take on a different appearance to fill out towns, and more - think of these cosmetics as variants for things we would need to make to bring the world of Verra to life either way!

In terms of "similar aesthetics" being available in the future, I would definitely recommend keeping an eye out for both future cosmetic sets that might suit your tastes better, or see what in-game earnable options may suit your fancy!

I'm going to go ahead and move this thread on over to our Support & FAQ section and close it out, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help answer!