Original Post — Direct link
I just joined the AoC community recently and I want/need to find out more about this game! So I started watching the YouTube videos on your channel to catch up on where development is at, and where it's heading. One of those videos led me here. It also said something about signing up in order to save my username, which obviously if they're "unique" in the game, then it's very important that we get the name we want! Especially for any content creators! Well I'm not even sure if it meant the signing up for the site does that, or if you have to go to a certain forum/page to do that!

Now, at first I thought this forum setup must be amazing with only a few topics on the first main/home page that must be used to sort everything out, but as I'm delving into them, I'm literally not able to find All the different categories no matter where I look!
What I'm saying is when you start a "New Discussion" you're given a category list with many options(like 40!) to use, so I'm assuming there's a forum list showing all those options that you can dive into(when you're looking for answers/research), but WHERE do I find that master list of discussions?? Because even under "categories" you're Only given 4 different options...then even under the Ashes of Creation tab(in that category tab) you're Only given 5 different choices! So I'm assuming I'm missing something.
How do I get to those other 35 categories(and where are the other Likely/Important game related categories at)? I guess I'm just expecting the "categories" page to have at least ALL the major categories in gaming(Combat, Crafting, Questing, Skills, Spells, PvE, PvP, and anything your game will specialize in, aka "Freeholds" and so on!) to have their own separate pinned post(or lead to another page of posts on Just that subject) that sorts the likely tens of thousands+ different posts(some repeating I'm sure) of those different categories! For the best organization possible!

Sure I've been really busy lately, and so a little scatter brained, but I don't see how I'm missing something that needs to be front and center!? I want to look into every aspect of the game, and I don't want to have to ask a million questions that are bound to have been answered MANY times before! So would someone please explain, or even just link the master list page of the different forum discussions/major gaming categories(If there is one)! Thanks!!
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! Catching up here and trying to answer a few of your different questions/topics that came up in this thread:

1. Your username is just your login username, and won't necessarily be your character name in-game! Some folks who have early Kickstarter packages or some of the higher-tier packages from our shop have "Name Reservation" included as a perk, which will allow them to reserve an in-game name earlier than others. Other than that, you will likely be creating your character name once you log in and play!

2. In terms of forum categories, at the moment we currently are featuring a few generic topics (such as our General Discussion), and will be splitting those out into more specific categories as we get into having you test our in-game systems, so you can provide your feedback and suggestions in the appropriate places! If you'd like to take a look at some of our archived topics as well before the forum re-launched, those are still visible here. In addition, the helpful community-run wiki here has lots of answers to questions you may currently have!

3. You can check out more info on the plans for our subscription-based model here, which will allow us to continue to create amazing Ashes content for you in the years to come! In addition, many of our existing pre-order packages include some amount of subscription time to start you off with.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with!