Original Post — Direct link
Hi there!

I wish to buy the game, happy to buy the full $375 voyager package, however I'm not a fan of the current skins art-style.

Is there a way to purchase previous art-styles or do I just have to wait until there is a pack I like? I am worried if I wait too long the pack may no longer be available? Seems strange to prohibit sales by enforcing a style.

Thanks and sorry if this is a repeat question.

almost 3 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings DakHak,

As Sylvanar mentioned, previous cosmetics packs are no longer available once they have been removed from the store. But the good news is that we release new packs frequently. Keep an eye on our News page and Social Media for new packs as they are released.

Also, once you do purchase a package, you can then purchase new cosmetic items that you want as they are released. Take a look at this article describing the process.

almost 3 years ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings DakHak,

You cannot purchase old cosmetics once they are removed from the store. You can however purchase single cosmetic items that are released after you have purchased a pre-order package. Again it is all explained in the article I linked previously.

So once you purchase a pre-order package that includes a cosmetic item category, and something new is released after your purchase that you like, you can buy that singular item without having to purchase the entire set or another pre-order package.